In this project, Elaine and I collaborated to complete several inflatable bags, and I was responsible for the following three.

01|Living Stone

Firstly, I created an inflatable bag that resembled a living stone flower. The process of inflating the bag simulated the gradual growth of the living stone flower. However, I noticed that the adhesive curves inside the bag caused it to wrinkle during inflation. I believe that replacing the curves with straight lines would be a better approach.



截屏2023-03-27 02.25.44.png

02|Sit-up figure

Next, I made a sit-up figurine. To simulate a real sit-up, I hollowed out the knee part of the figurine, as I hoped that inflating it would allow the knees to bend. However, I found that the volume of air filled in the thin legs was not enough to support the entire leg, and the attempt failed. Nevertheless, the hollowed-out abdomen allowed the figurine to "sit up.”


截屏2023-03-27 02.27.39.png

03|Folding cube

The third one I made was a collapsible cube, which I found as an example in the reading material. However, the top of my cube could not fold inward properly, and I believe it is due to an angle issue. Unfortunately, I have not yet found a way to fix it.



int motorPump = 9;
int valve = 10;
int motorSuck = 11;
void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  pinMode(motorPump, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(valve, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(motorSuck, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
 //  inflate
  digitalWrite(valve, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(motorSuck, LOW);

  //  deflate
  digitalWrite(motorPump, LOW);
  digitalWrite(valve, LOW);
  digitalWrite(motorSuck, HIGH);